DIY December: Holiday Nail Tutorial

December 15, 2013

I can't wait for Christmas, and what better way to show my excitement by painting my nails to celebrate the holidays! This is a super easy nail tutorial, and great for beginners like me.

Nail Polish and Materials Used (Left to Right):
1. Trophy Wife by Essie
2. Marshmallow by Essie
3. Wrapped in Rubies by Essie
4. Dotting Tool (or toothpicks!)

 1. First, apply a base coat! It's extremely important to do this step or else your nails will yellow.

2. Next, apply a white nail polish. Here, I used a sheer white polish.

3. Dab some green polish on a piece of paper, and with a dotting tool or toothpick, create different-sized dots at random on your nails. 

It should look like something like this:

4. Now do the same thing for the red polish and you're done!

Super easy right? Do you have your own rendition of holiday nails? Leave a comment below and show us! 

xoxo, A.


  1. I love this idea! It is simple yet sophisticated. I wonder, would I be able to do it with other Essie colors? Thanks!

  2. Hi! Yes, you can absolutely do it with whatever colors you want! We just chose this one in particular because it was well suited for the holiday theme. You can try glittery for New Year's or pinks for upcoming Valentine's Day. Let us know how it goes!
